Loving People Everywhere
This is a core belief for Fellowship Bible Church, helping our community experience God's love.
Our desire is to help connect needs of our community to the hearts of our congregation.
Please see the developing list of ministries and organizations we are working to support.
Christian Helping HANDS
CHH assisted 1,114 families, representing 4,425 individuals, with necessary food & hygiene products from March 1st -- April 30th. Volunteers pushed out one grocery cart to a waiting family every 3 1/2 minutes. CHH is serving twice as many families now than they did prior to Covid-19.
WHAT: Fresh food and staples needed
WHERE: Drop off items in the Red Barrel in the FBC Lobby (non-perishables)
WHEN: Every Sunday morning, 10:30 - 12:15 am
WHO: Anyone willing to share God's provision with others.
The cupboards at Christian Helping Hands are always in need of items. They need your help with food and supplies (produce, soaps, toilet paper, wipes, cleaners with bleach, dish detergent, any canned meats, beans, or soaps, etc.). Every item goes to individuals, seniors, and families with financial needs.
You may drop off items (including perishables) directly at CHH Monday - Thursday, from 10:30 am to 1:45 pm at 3402 Swenson Road, Pearland, TX 77581; or
you may drop off food in the Red Barrel in the FBC Lobby on Sunday morning, 10:30 - 12:15 am (non-perishable items only); or
you can write a check and mail it to Christian Helping Hands, P.O. Box 34, Pearland, TX 77588-0034; see their website for other ways of giving, http://www.christianhelpinghands.org
Volunteers Needed: Fellowship is helping Christian Helping Hands staff an additional day of service each week on Fridays. If you are interested in serving our community in this time of increased need, email contactus@fellowshipbible.org for more information.
In addition, thanks to the several FBC families who have collected and donated over 1,400 pounds of food and supplies from their own neighborhoods. The expressions of wonder and gratitude from the recipients are numerous and genuine.
THANK YOU to all that regularly donate to Christian Helping Hands.
Pearland Neighborhood Center
To provide a foundation of effective services and responsive programs to facilitate the development of individuals and families.
2335 N. Texas Ave
Pearland, Texas 77581
Lobby Hours: M -Th 7am – 4pm
Food Pantry Hours: T, W, Th 10am – Noon, 1pm – 3pm
Phone: 281-485-1987
Email: info@pnctexas.com
SEVA CLINIC PHONE: 281-942-7382
Open Thurs 5pm-7pm : Walk-Ins welcome
Beltway 8 South
Crisis Pregnancy Center
Our Mission is to be a Lifeline for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies and an advocate for their unborn children.
Lifeline means a line for saving life. We provide free and confidential support services for those involved in unplanned pregnancies. Volunteers share the gospel with each client and offer the eternal lifeline of salvation. Each client is given information about the reality of abortion and a lifeline choice for her unborn children. Our clients are informed about the facts of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and are taught abstinence before marriage as God’s plan and lifeline for protection.
Lifeline also means a route over which supplies must be sent to sustain a group of persons otherwise isolated. Our pregnant clients are encouraged to enroll in the Life Education Assistance Program (L.E.A.P.). Through L.E.A.P. we provide classes in prenatal care, delivery, parenting, life skills, and Bible studies. As clients work through the program, they grow in wisdom and knowledge while earning points to “purchase” items from the Blessing Room.
10851 Scarsdale Blvd Suite 800
Houston, TX 77089
Email: CPHelp@Lifelinecpc.org
Phone: 281-484-0005
FAX: 281-481-9075
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday 10 am to 4 pm